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General Education Assessment

正规博彩十大网站排名的教育为继续学习文科传统提供了一个门户. In 2003, 学院为学生确立了九大通识教育目标, which encompass curricular and co-curricular experiences. This document, 在《正规博彩十大网站排名》和《推荐十大正规网赌平台》的第一部分中与学院使命声明一起发布, states that in preparation for a lifetime of learning, the successful Agnes Scott student should:

  1. Think critically. The student evaluates the arguments of others for accuracy, significance and fairness, and develops independent conclusions.
  2. Communicate effectively through writing and speaking. The student uses language clearly and persuasively.
  3. Undertake systematic inquiry for learning and problem-solving. 学生们采取有意和系统的方法进行研究, gathering sources, making observations, conducting experiments, 并分析数据,同时认识到影响最终结果的因素.
  4. Act as a responsible citizen. 学生能够谈论全球和当地事件之间的联系,并就不同类型的文化进行建设性的对话, knowledge and belief systems that shape our world today.
  5. Develop or appreciate creative expressions. 学生通过至少一种艺术媒介表达自己或理解和解释他人的创造性表达.
  6. Appreciate and respond to the achievements of others. 学生表现出对人类在思想和文化世界中取得的成就的理解,并能在发展自己智力的同时参与和批评这些成就.
  7. 从广泛的学科整合知识和观点. 学生获取并能够分析和综合来自不同领域和学科的思想和信息.
  8. Develop a set of values. Through an ongoing process of reflection and examination, 学生培养具有社会责任感的价值观,与高尚的生活相一致.
  9. Pursue the development of the whole person. 学生认识到她的教育不仅仅是在课堂上进行的. 它发生在一个更大的社区,包括各种各样的维度:物理, emotional, cultural, and spiritual.

学院的通识教育课程遵循这些目标, 包括课程,确保学生接触到的知识的广度,补充知识的深度,她所追求的专业领域的研究.

在一个促进知识独立和知情选择的框架内, each student must satisfy three sets of standards:

  1. 具体的标准帮助她发展特定的技能和能力,进一步的个人和学术成长.
  2. 分配标准使她适应一系列文科学科的方法和主题.
  3. 社会和文化分析标准使她能够思考差异问题, marginality and social justice.

The faculty developed the following general education rationale, which is incorporated into the Academic Catalog:

正规博彩十大网站排名的通识教育项目包括, distributional, 社会和文化分析标准反映了我们作为女性高等教育社区的使命和价值观. 具体标准旨在帮助学生在学业上取得成功,成为终身学习者, improve their critical thinking and communication skills, acquire proficiency in a foreign language, 并认识到体育活动对繁荣生活的重要性.

分布标准向学生介绍不同的思维方式和解决问题的方式,从多个学科的角度. 社会和文化分析标准确保所有学生在他们的学术课程中都包括反映学院对不同文化的欣赏和对正义的承诺的课程. 从满足这些分布标准的各种课程中进行选择, 学生在教育过程中发挥积极作用,并鼓励他们批判性地思考他们的教育选择和他们将成为什么样的人.

Within the general education program, students craft or analyze creative expressions of our shared humanity; examine the social, political, historical, religious, cultural, scientific and philosophical foundations of the world in which we live; practice systematic observation, quantitative description, and analysis of natural phenomena; articulate problems, and propose imaginative solutions; interpret, analyze, and explain human behavior and social structures; and learn to express their convictions clearly and persuasively while respecting differing opinions.

因此,艾格尼丝·斯科特的通识教育支持每个学生在自我认识方面的进步,体现了学院教育女性深入思考的使命, live honorably, and engage the intellectual and social challenges of their times.


  • Think critically.
  • Communicate effectively through writing and speaking.
  • Apply systematic inquiry to learning and problem-solving.
  • Practice or interpret creative expression.
  • Develop quantitative and informational literacy.
  • Experience the beneficial effects of physical activity.

The Academic Assessment Committee, in collaboration with the Agnes Scott College faculty, oversees the assessment of this general education curriculum. 学生的学习是用各种直接和间接的方法来评估的, 从通识教育课程作业评估延伸到全国调查.

Faculty evaluate student work (essays, quizzes, exams, presentations) in relation to the general education goals appropriate to their courses; in addition, 具体院系使用国家考试或高级研讨评估来评估学生掌握学科特定知识的程度, 哪个与通识教育能力相关,从而也评估通识教育能力.

正规博彩十大网站排名所有的大四学生都会在大四的春季参加三项全国调查中的一项(全国学生参与调查), the Higher Education Research Institute Senior Survey, 或高等教育数据共享联盟调查),该调查有助于衡量学生达到上述通识教育学习目标的程度.

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